Leaders of associations representing the commercial cleaning product supply chain are urging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to prevent legislation that could take a number of products off of store shelves in New York. The legislation being considered is intended to ban manufacturing byproduct 1,4-dioxane in an effort to improve water quality on New York’s Long Island.
The Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) and American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued a joint statement claiming that an approval of the bill would have no meaningful impact on groundwater.
“The chemical in question is 1,4-dioxane, a byproduct of the manufacturing process that can be found in minuscule amounts in some laundry and dish detergents,” says the statement. “These are familiar and trusted brands that have been used for generations by millions on Long Island, in New York state and across the U.S.”
Lowering the amount of 1,4-dioxane in several products isn’t possible because the level of 1,4-dioxane presently in them is so low, says the ACI and HCPA.
”Every day cleaning products are essential in helping to prevent the spread of disease and bacteria in our homes, hospitals, schools, restaurants, hotels and government offices,” says the statement. “If this bill is signed into law, many of these products that are critical to public health could be pulled off store shelves.”
The ban could have an impact on commercial laundry and warewashing products.
“We are indeed concerned that the legislation could affect commercial laundry/warewashing product availability, absolutely,” says Brian Sansoni, senior vice president of communications, outreach and membership at ACI. “Those types of products are not immune from the scope of this legislation.”