Avmor Ltd. released its inaugural Sustainability Report, sharing important corporate sustainability achievements and demonstrating transparency in the cleaning product manufacturing industry.
“The publication of this report is an important recognition of Avmor’s commitment to the continual improvement of our sustainability performance within our day to day operations and furthering our mandate of offering greener cleaning products to the marketplace,” says Mattie Chinks, president of Avmor. “Our commitment to our customers and the environment began with greener products and services and drives Avmor to continually improve the sustainability of our business practices today. This report was the natural next step for us.”
Avmor’s first Sustainability Report includes performance metrics from 2010 and, where appropriate, prior years to provide adequate context. The report shares examples of environmental and sustainability achievements from 2011 across three key areas for the company: health & community wellness; environment; and performance.
Highlights of the sustainability achievements reported on by Avmor include:
· Reducing its waste water output by 79% (from 2003 to 2011);
· Reducing its energy consumption by 45% (from 2003 to 2011);
· Launching 12 new green products in 2010 and 2011;
· Certifying 43 of its products with the trusted EcoLogo Program;
· Receiving ISO 14001:2004 certification for environmental management systems in 2010; and
· Developing a green procurement policy and supplier questionnaire in 2010 to evaluate all vendors and materials against a number of sustainability requirements.
“This report is the culmination of the efforts of Avmor’s Sustainability Committee and the entire team at our company, as all employees contribute to the development and promotion of greener products in their jobs,” says Paul Goldin, chief sustainability officer at Avmor. “Though sustainability reporting is not yet required, we wanted to proactively produce this report for our customers, our customers’ customers and our communities, who have come to depend on our ongoing commitment to the environment and to healthier indoor environments.”
To ensure that Avmor continues to make sustainable progress, the company has dedicated 95% of its R&D investment on green innovation and for the marketing of greener products. In addition, Avmor has committed to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for operations; achieving a greener supply chain and supporting aggressive revenue targets for greener products as a proportion of overall sales.                                                                 
It is Avmor’s intention to publish this sustainability report on an annual basis going forward, reporting on the past year’s performance and highlighting company progress on sustain­ability related to operations and products.