Avmor announces that two new members have joined the company's Sales Team.
"These two are in addition to several great people we have hired in the past 12 months," says Mike Sawchuk, Chief Business Development Officer for Avmor. "This will help us better serve our distributors and end-customers."
The two new Avmor staffers are:
Tracey Caville, Director, Corporate Accounts Jan/San
Tracey spent the past 25 years with a leading Canadian JanSan distributor. Over the years she has won numerous sales and leadership awards and is an active member of the Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Sanitary and Service Association.
Keith McGrath, Manager, Corporate Accounts Food Service
Keith has more than 20 years of experience in the food service industry as a territory manager, National Account manager, and in charge of regional sales for a leading manufacturer.
Sawchuk adds that one reason nearly a dozen new people have joined the Avmor sales, marketing, and customer care team over the past year, "is [that] the company is driving best, hiring best, and raising the bar of the team in order to bring greater value to our customers and for positioning the company for even greater growth."