Using the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 4M Building Solutions has provided a one-of-a- kind guideline resource in three important areas for re-entry into buildings and facilities.
The first area of consideration is the building or facility preparedness – has it been disinfected and ready to accept employees, tenants and visitors? The second area is communication – will people re-entering know that steps have been taken to protect them through signage, touchless applications and visible ongoing disinfecting? The third area is forward looking versus reactionary – is there a plan in place to maintain the facility because it only takes one infected person to infect the environment?
“Our leadership team has been working hard to get out in front of this virus to protect our clients; their employees, tenants and visitors; and all of our team members,” says Tim Murch, chairman and CEO of 4M, in a press release announcing the guidelines. “These are unprecedented times but our team is in constant contact with team members, clients, suppliers and each other to establish best practices based on the guidance from the CDC and OSHA as we proactively manage in the new normal.”