Custodial departments are always looking for ways to increase morale among workers. Employee-of-the-month programs where managers recognize employees for a job well done might be a good place to start. According to, there are four things employers can do to make a program like this successful.

First, make sure other things are systematically being done to recognize employee performance in the workplace on a daily basis. Provide feedback on performance, timely praise and informal recognition.

Second, open employee-of-the-month nominations up to everyone within the organization, not just management. "This keeps the program from being biased to employees who have greater visibility with management."

Third, don't limit the award to once a month. Tie the award to outstanding performance so that employees can receive recognition whenever they go above and beyond, not just on the first of the month.

Forth, keep the program fresh and flexible. Make changes in the program as it begins to feel stale to targeted employees.

According to the article, "In summary, there are more effective ways to improve employee motivation, morale and initiative that are typically obtained from employee-of-the-month programs. But if used in conjunction with other techniques--and with an awareness of potential pitfalls--employee-of-the-month programs still have a place in motivating today's employees."

To read this full article, as well as specific examples of employee-of-the-month programs, click here.