Travis Brady, President and CEO of Brady Industries, was presented with the “ISM-NV Supplier of the Year Award “at ISM’s Nevada annual supplier opportunity fair.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) is the first supply management institute in the world. Founded in 1915, ISM exists to lead and serve the supply management profession and is a highly influential and respected association in the global marketplace.

Jim Haining, Executive Director of ISM Nevada stated, “Travis Brady’s leadership reinforces Brady Industries’ reputation in their industry.  Travis was an industry innovator with Brady’s “Go Green” sustainable business strategy demonstrating his environmental responsibility to both Brady Industries and to our community.  He is proactive with sustainability initiatives by providing recycling and green programs that will provide for future generations. His diversity and social responsibility initiatives define who they are, launching them to new heights in the community. Travis and Brady Industries deserve this award because of his commitment to the Institute for Supply Management-Nevada, to customers, and our environment.  His passion for excellence fulfills their Mission Statement: “We provide cleaning solutions to our customers while exceeding their expectations with quality, service and integrity."

With over 30,000 members, ISM is a not-for-profit educational association that serves professionals with an interest in supply management who live and work in more than 80 countries.