Absolute! Building Maintenance (A!BM) is proud to announce our latest commitment to fighting illness-causing germs and keeping our clients’ facilities clean and their occupants safe. The purchase of the Clorox Total 360 System will add an additional layer of surface protection to help create a healthier environment on behalf of our clients. The system further safeguards the environment by helping eliminate bacteria, viruses and pathogens that can leave businesses and community members impacted for days.
Just last year, in Michigan, there were 1,167 influenza-associated hospitalizations and the fast-spreading norovirus sickened hundreds, including students at two major Michigan universities. Outbreaks and resulting building closures can tarnish businesses’ reputations, impact productivity and result financial losses and absenteeism, the impact of outbreaks can weigh heavily on businesses and schools.
On average, employers report four million nonfatal, work-related injuries and illnesses annually, which can lead to devastating productivity losses. Productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost an average of $1,685 per employee totaling to $225.8 billion each year.
“A!BM purchased the Clorox Total 360 System to enhance our cleaning offerings and further safeguard against common bacteria and viruses, including difficult-to-treat infections like Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and fast-spreading stomach bugs like norovirus – the culprit of many illnesses we saw across Michigan last year,” said John Markey, CBSE, Executive Vice President, Absolute! Building Maintenance.
The illness-causing viruses and bacteria that lead to these outbreaks can survive on surfaces from days to months, making cleaning and disinfecting surfaces an important first line of defense when it comes to protecting our clients’ facilities. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from seven days to seven months. A!BM will offer the Clorox Total 360 System to a wide range of customers’ facilities and surfaces, from local schools and TV stations to office buildings.
The Clorox Total 360 System uses a revolutionary patented electrostatic delivery system to deliver trusted Clorox disinfecting and sanitizing solutions quickly, enabling A!BM to carry out comprehensive cleanings with superior surface coverage on behalf of customers both with confidence and efficiency. The system works by charging and atomizing the Clorox disinfecting or sanitizing solution, delivering a powerful flow of charged particles that are attracted to surfaces with a force stronger than gravity, allowing the solution to easily reach and uniformly coat surfaces, including hotspots where trigger spray technology might easily miss.
“With this new technology, we can cover more surfaces, quickly and even the hardest-to-reach places that may be missed through manual cleaning, leaving illness-causing germs behind,” said Markey. “Since we began providing our services to schools, not a single school has had absences as a result of the flu. The Clorox Total 360 System evolves our cleaning protocols to help ensure this record continues and provides assurance that we are safeguarding all environments. This system allows us to do our job better, keeping our clients, their employees and facility guests safer, healthier and happier.”