Contributed by Clorox Professional Products Company
Team Clean, Inc. is proud to offer the Clorox Total 360 System as part of our continued commitment to providing impeccable service and helping our customers protect their facilities from illness-causing germs. The Clorox Total 360 System adds an additional layer of protection by using patented electrostatic technology to deliver trusted Clorox disinfecting and sanitizing solutions quickly and efficiently.
Last flu season, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health reported that the state of Pennsylvania faced a severe outbreak with more than 121,088 reported cases of influenza. The impact of these illnesses weighs heavily on communities and can lead to missed school and work, facility closures and productivity losses. Many illness and outbreak-causing germs can survive on surfaces for days to months. According to WebMD, it typically takes one to four days for a student or employee to show symptoms once infected with a cold or the flu making daily cleaning and disinfection critical to safeguarding our clients’ environments.
The Clorox Total 360 System works by charging the Clorox disinfecting or sanitizing solution, so that when sprayed it is attracted to and uniformly coats surfaces, including hard to reach areas like the sides, undersides and backs of surfaces that conventional cleaning methods might easily miss. With this technology, Team Clean, Inc. can achieve comprehensive surface coverage and provide customers with an additional layer of protection.
Team Clean, Inc. is committed to excellence and strives to provide our wide range of clients, from schools, gyms, police stations, to event and entertainment venues, with high quality and reliable service. With the Clorox Total 360 System, we can provide better and more efficient services while saving time, money and labor. Team Clean, Inc. uses the Clorox Total 360 System to treat a wide range of surfaces among clients’ facilities and hotspots where germs tend to hideout.
“Team Clean, Inc. has more than two decades of experience and we are always looking for new innovations within the cleaning industry to help us do our job better. The Clorox Total 360 System helps us to provide comprehensive surface coverage, faster and with less manpower. It’s a win-win.” said Donna L. Allie, PhD., President and Chief Executive Officer, Team Clean, Inc. “Once we saw the product demonstration, it was abundantly clear that this system could add value for our clients and increase the quality and reliability of our services, which is the foundation of our business.”
Since purchasing the electrostatic sprayer, the 23-year-old commercial cleaning company has already seen benefits. “The Clorox Total 360 System has been an essential piece of equipment in helping us achieve our goal of ensuring a clean environment for our clients while decreasing the spread of illness-causing germs.” said Allie.