
CCS Facility Services announced the appointment of Bill King to chief operating officer alongside Todd VanOpdorp, longtime chief operating officer. The two gentlemen will share this critical role as the operational leaders of the company.

“We take great pride in skilled execution, ensuring our operational teams perform at peak efficiency every day,” says Troy Coker, CEO of CCS Facility Services. “For over 20 years, Todd VanOpdorp has exemplified what it means to be a CCS Facility Services operator. When Bill joined us two years ago, he and Todd quickly formed a seamless team. This synergy is why it made perfect sense to appoint Bill and Todd as co-COOs.”
“Bill started making an impact on CCS Facility Services on his very first day,” shares Todd VanOpdorp. “We could tell that we had found a very special individual in Bill who was going to help take our company to new heights, and that’s exactly what he has done. I am proud to share the COO role with him.”

CCS Facility Services is excited to continue evolving under the shared operational leadership of King and VanOpdorp, including further innovation, cutting-edge technology, and developing our talented staff even further to be the CCS leaders of the future.