The Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI), which recently announced the hiring of John Downey as its new executive director, has released its newly updated vision and mission statements and announced plans to publish a quarterly peer-review journal and sponsor a cleaning science symposium in 2019.
CIRI’s new vision states:
CIRI is the clearinghouse for unbiased, peer-reviewed technical information and research about the science of cleaning or restoration of the indoor environment.”
CIRI’s new mission statement follows similar lines:
Working with and through its members, CIRI communicates unbiased, peer-reviewed technical information and research about the science of cleaning or restoration of the indoor environment to all interested stakeholders.
CIRI Chairman Jim Harris, Sr. described the process involved in updating the vision and mission statements: “Our leadership team has been hard at work crafting these updated statements for the past two months. John Downey’s input has been vitally important to the process.”
For his part, Downey attributes much to the vision passed on to him by Dr. Michael Berry, renowned author of Protecting the Built Environment: Cleaning for Health. “Words alone cannot express my appreciation for the guidance Dr. Berry has given me. His passion for the science of cleaning, as well as the importance of communicating it effectively and in appropriate ways, is infectious. CIRI is the key to this important work being accomplished.”
Next steps include launching a quarterly peer-review journal by the fall of 2018 and holding a cleaning science symposium in 2019. In addition, CIRI’s Science Advisory Council (SAC), led by chairman Steven Spivak, PhD, is looking at new cleaning science research projects. “In the past, CIRI has contributed ground-breaking research, including in the area of ATP testing, which led to the ISSA’s Clean Standard,” Spivak said. He added, “Recently, Dr. Greg Whiteley has greatly added to the value of this process with new algorithms. In this and in other areas, the SAC stands ready and able to facilitate objective and unbiased technical research for the benefit of the industry.”