More than 90 members of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) are descending on Capitol Hill today to urge nearly 200 Congressional offices to support legislation that brings transparency to the agency rulemaking process to reduce the unnecessary burden of rapidly and unexpectedly changing regulations on American businesses, and to expand association health plans (AHPs) to help small businesses provide access to quality health care to their employees.
“NACD members have a substantial impact on the U.S. economy, directly and indirectly employing roughly 165,000 people in all 50 states and generating $31 billion in sales,” said NACD President Eric R. Byer. “It’s vital for Congress to hear about our issues so they can work with us to keep chemical distributors delivering products that are essential to the goods and services Americans rely on every day.”
This year, attendees will hear from multiple legislative and regulatory policymakers throughout the week to learn about the status of key government initiatives and to educate them about how these policies impact chemical distribution. These policymakers include:
• Scott Pruitt, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
• David Wulf, Acting Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
• U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)
• U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK)
• U.S. Representative Dave Reichert (R-WA)
NACD members will advocate for the passage of S.580, the Truth in Regulations Act, which would reform the regulatory process to ensure stakeholder engagement and transparency, reducing some of the unnecessary burdens on highly-regulated industries like chemical distribution. The Truth in Regulations Act would also greatly benefit small businesses, which face the most significant impact of regulations, sometimes paying 364 percent more than large firms to comply with federal environmental regulations.
NACD members will also express their support for H.R.1101, the Small Business Health Fairness Act, that passed in the House earlier this year and push for similar legislation in the Senate. Specifically, the legislation would expand association health plans, allowing small businesses to pool together across state lines through their association membership to purchase high quality, affordable health coverage for their employees and their families.