The fight for janitorial jobs at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport continues (click here for initial reporting) as fingers now point to those involved in making the deal to displace 350 workers. According to reports from Chicago's CBS station, the union (SEIU) representing the janitors is calling on Illinois' Attorney General to investigate whether the man behind the company set to take over the contract has ties to the mob.

Richard Simon and his company, United Maintenance Company, is set to take over the janitorial services at O'Hare in mid December, but the businessman's past and his deal with the city is being brought to the attention of state and city leaders.

According to union representatives, the company is known for undercutting jobs, wages and benefits to their employees, and it is believed that "there might be some questionable people who have been associated with this company."

The union hopes that by requesting an investigation into United Maintenance, the process will be slowed.

Once learning about the union's actions, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office released a statement saying, "The City has no reason to believe that there is any wrongdoing with the United Maintenance or its owner. However if material issues arise the city would take appropriate actions to protect its interests."

Read this full article here.