CleanCore − a clean-tech firm providing an onsite solution turning cold tap water into aqueous ozone – is sponsoring the Healthy Schools Campaign's (HSC’s) Green Clean Schools program and attending HSC’s first annual Green Clean Schools Leadership Summit in Seattle, WA, July 30-31, 2015.
“CleanCore counts it a privilege to support the Healthy Schools Campaign's Green Clean Schools program and its first Leadership Summit,” says Michael Draper, CEO. “Since the event will focus on advancing green cleaning in schools, including the future of green cleaning and better, safer sanitizing and disinfection, it aims to provide school professionals the tools and knowledge to help ensure greener, healthier environments for the 50 million students attending US public schools and 21.0 million students attending American colleges and universities.”
The Green Clean Schools Leadership Summit in Seattle, WA, July 30-31, 2015, located at the University of Washington, will provide a two-day networking, educational and growth platform for:
•  top facility managers
•  school decision makers
•  green cleaning experts
•  vendors from across the nation
“We are gratified that clean- and green-tech leaders such as CleanCore have stepped up to support Healthy Schools Campaign's Green Clean Schools program and attend our first annual Green Clean Schools Leadership Summit,” said Mark Bishop, HSC’s vice president of policy. “It is inspiring to see the level of innovation and thought-leadership driving the advancement of green cleaning in schools.”