The Simon Institute, an ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer Organization (SDO) for the professional cleaning industry, presented the 2017 Cleaning Industry Awards during a banquet held at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis. The awards recognize the top individuals and performing custodial programs in the cleaning industry.
“The nominees and winners of the 2017 Cleaning Industry Awards have developed meticulous custodial operations and are constantly measuring, refining and improving their methods and systems in place,” said Alan Bigger, Executive Director of the Simon Institute. “These individuals and benchmarked programs are truly best-in-class. We’d like to extend our sincerest congratulations goes to all the winners.”
The 2017 Cleaning Industry individual award winners include:
• Mark Samios, PortionPac, winner of the Pinnacle Award. The Pinnacle Award is a lifetime achievement award for outstanding contributions to the cleaning industry and the (OS1) users.
• Andi Vance Curry, Dunham Communications, winner of the Mark Reimers Cleaning for Health Award. The Mark Reimers Cleaning for Health Award is a commendation for written communication and outreach to improve health, safety and sustainability in the cleaning industry.
• Charlene Argo, Sandia National Labs, winner of the (OS1) Touchstone Award, an award recognizing the gold standard of excellence in leading organizational excellence.
• Paloma Jacobo, GMI Building Services, Inc., winner of the Trainer of the Year Award.
The 2017 Cleaning Industry program award winners include:
• GMI Building Services Inc., La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Sandia National Laboratories; The University of Texas at Austin - Biomedical Engineering Building; and The University of Texas at Austin - Main Building - Winners of the (OS1) Green Certified Program of Excellence. The Green Certified Program of Excellence Award is presented to facilities that have submitted to our annual Progress Audit and earned at least an 90 percent score or higher.
• Mt. San Antonio College Science Laboratories - Building 60, winners of the (OS1) Green Certified Program Award for earning an 80 percent score or higher on its Progress Audit.
• Brookhaven National Laboratory, winner of the Rookie of the Year Award for a new organization demonstrating significant improvement in the past year.
• Sandia National Laboratories, winner of the Best (OS1) Audit Award, for possessing the highest audit score.
• The University of Texas at Austin, winner of the Logistics Award for possessing a high logistics score in the audited network of custodial operations.
• The University of Texas at Austin, winner of the Safety Award.
• Los Angeles Habilitation House, winner of the Innovation Award for its beta testing of online training modules.
• The University of Texas at Austin, winner of the Best Training Program.
University of Texas - Main Building for Best Cleaning Team.
• Sandia National Laboratories for Best Cleaning Program. The recipient of the Best Cleaning Program has earned a high overall audit score for the current audit year, contributed significantly to custodial bench marking efforts and demonstrated a considerable strength in their custodial management approach.
The 2017 Cleaning Industry Awards were held in conjunction with the Simon Institute’s 16th Annual Symposium, an annual gathering of (OS1) users, members of the Cleaning Alliance and other cleaning industry representatives. This unique gathering enables all users of the (OS1) cleaning system to benchmark best practices and share ideas related to their custodial operations.