USA and trade war concept

A coalition representing more than 150 trade associations, including ISSA and the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), sent a letter to United States President-Elect Joe Biden Monday requesting that he and his administration review the country's trade policy at the beginning of his presidency.

The letter was co-written by Americans for Free Trade and Farmers for Free Trade, a coalition that represents the interest of a variety of industries, including farming, retail, manufacturing, technology, services, and others supply chain stakeholders.

"As you and your team develop your plan, we strongly encourage the early review of how current U.S. trade policy and actions are adversely impacting our economy, particularly as it works to sustain recovery from COVID-19," said the coalition in the letter. "As a result of the current trade war against China and other trading partners, U.S. businesses and consumers have paid over $68 billion in tariffs, which are taxes. Other countries do not pay these tariffs."

The coalition acknowledged that trade partners must be held accountable for commitments they fail to meet, but it said some tariffs have been "imposing undue costs on U.S. employers and families."