A recent editorial in The University of Maryland College Park's student newspaper encouraged students to show some consideration and appreciation for the university's custodial staff. In fact, the article on The Diamondback website asks students to consider "making the extra two-minute hike to the dumpster outside" with their food remnants and "maybe try not to be incapacitated to the point where distinguishing between the toilet and shower stalls becomes impossible."
The campus janitorial staff — especially those situated in residence halls — are some of the greatest unsung heroes of students' college lives. Yet, students don’t do enough to appreciate them, according to the author.
"It infuriates me when people dismiss the notion of treating the janitorial staff better and claim that it’s the staff’s job to clean up after us," Kevin Hu writes. "As the semester winds down, I implore everyone to try to build a better relationship with our janitorial staff."
An opinion piece on CleanLink, seconds that sentiment:
"Thank a janitor when you walk into a safe, clean building that was just serviced by a janitorial crew. Thank a janitor when you use a restroom that is clean, odor free and stocked with paper towels, soap and toilet tissue.
"Thank a janitor when you walk on a freshly polished floor that is attractive and slip free due to the skills of the cleaning service. Thank a janitor when you walk on fresh, odor free carpet that has been vacuumed and clean of spots and spills. Thank a janitor when your children go to a school that is cleaned and sanitized to limit the spread of pathogens," wrote Mickey Crowe, a trainer, speaker and consultant for the cleaning industry.