Company Creates Restroom Air Vs. Paper Battleground

In the restroom at Georgia-Pacific Corp. in Green Bay, Wis., there's often something new for the 1,500 employees to test, according to an article on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel website.

It could be a towel dispenser that’s faster and quieter than other machines on the market, or a new dispenser of toilet paper, soap or fragrances. They are all potential new weapons in the ongoing battle between paper towels or blown air.

Georgia-Pacific is one of the nation’s largest makers of paper towels and similar products.

Some paper dispensers are designed to run at a rapid clip, with a hyper-sensitive motion sensor, while others take a slower, more measured approach to their work, the article said.

But the big question remains -  is the paper towel or the electric dryer better in the fight against germs?

A 2016 study by London's University of Westminster sides with paper.

Electric hand dryer makers beg to differ.

“This heavily-biased paper, funded by the Association of Makers of Soft Tissue Papers, was not published or recognized by any medical or health review,” Excel Dryer said in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

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