Frontline workers can use all the help they can get protecting themselves against COVID-19. Luckily, the doctors, nurses, firefighters and law enforcement officials of Columbia, South Carolina are getting a truckload of help.
Joanne Bolos had her company, Secret of the Islands, stop making lotions and body scrubbing soap a few weeks back, so that it could focus on making hand sanitizer, reports WIS News 10. Determined not to price gouge customers, Bolos began selling the hand sanitizer at about $30 a gallon - a cost she says aligned with prices before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thankful for all of the business the switch has given Secret of the Islands, Bolos and her employees dedicated a whole day to giving away free hand sanitizer to her community. By the end of this day more than 6,000 gallons of hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes was given to any essentially worker who drove to the company's assembly line to pick up the donations.
For more on the story, click here.