Philip Rosenau Co. of Warminster, Pennsylvania reports it has reduced its operating costs by more than $17,000 annually as a result of being part of the Distributor Efficiency Analytics & Learning (DEAL) program.
DEAL is a partnership created by ISSA and Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC, a cloud-based technology that monitors and measures metrics such as energy, water, waste, and fuel consumption. The program helps distributors find ways to reduce consumption, lower operating costs, and decrease their environmental footprint.
Sustainability Dashboard Tools concludes that each August, charges for waste removal at Philip Rosenau's were going up by $200 per month, a $2,400 annual increase, says Katrina Saucier, program manager for Sustainability Dashboard Tools. Further, there did not appear to be any reason for the increase.
"It was low enough not to raise any red flags, but they were already being charged more [for waste removal] than any of our other clients."
Saucier reached out to her contact at Philip Rosenau, Rich Hastings, encouraging him to find out what the charge was all about.
Taking her advice, Hastings contacted the waste removal vendor. He says the vendor waved the rate increase and then worked with the company to discover ways in which it could reduce its charges.
While all distributor-members of the DEAL program have reported cost savings, this is the most significant amount saved by one member in less than a year. In fact, the savings materialized just three months after Philip Rosenau joined the program.
"When it comes to reducing operating costs, our involvement with the DEAL program and Sustainability Dashboard Tools has proven to be one of the best moves we have ever made," says Hastings. “Seventeen thousand dollars in savings is much more than pocket change. This is real savings any ISSA distributor would appreciate."