On Thursday, June 13, 2013, the Congressional Committee on Small Business will conduct a hearing about the impact of the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) on small businesses. The testimony from JanSan industry witnesses and experts on the negative impact on small business, has been disallowed at this hearing.

“We are disappointed the House Committee has decided to not allow our testimony at this very important hearing,” states Samuel Bornstein, professor of accounting and taxation and partner with Bornstein & Song in Oakhurst NJ. “The impact of this policy has been devastating to the small businesses operating under Schedule 75 for Office Supplies. Our Bornstein & Song Research indicates the JanSan industry will be impacted in a similar manner and that the industry, as a whole, is quite unaware of this initiative and its short and long-term impact.”

The hearing is open to the public and will be held on Thursday, June 13 at 10 AM in the Rayburn Office Building, Room  2360. 

In August, 2013, the GSA will implement the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) for JanSan and MRO industries, reducing the number of Blanket Purchasing Awards (BPAs) to just 15 nationwide for each industry category respectively. There will be just three contracts awarded for cleaning compounds, three for paper products, and three awarded for motorized equipment.

More information about Thursday’s hearing and JanSan FSSI can be accessed at www.JanSanFSSI.com.