Crown Mats and Matting announces that in 2013 the company will celebrate its 70th anniversary.
The company, recently acquired by Desco Capital, is one of the oldest and largest vinyl, latex foam, industrial, and high-performing matting manufacturers in the world.

According to President and COO Randy Dobbs, there are several reasons the company has managed to stay in business for seven decades.
“We have always tried to stay attuned to the needs of the end customer; make changes or introduce new products only after careful study and research; implement rigorous quality control; and employ terrific, devoted people. With them, we anticipate being here at least another 70 years.”
Along the way, the company has had several “firsts” that have impacted not only the matting industry but the cleaning and building industries as well. For instance:
· First olefin mat (among olefin’s advantages: its strength, colorfastness, comfort, and resistance to mildew)
· First antifatigue mat
· First slip-resistant mat
· First wiper/scraper mat
· First matting systems designed specifically for gymnasiums
· Development of Zedlan, an antifatigue material that was patented in 1999

In 2009, the company received Ohio’s governor’s Small-Medium Business Excellence in Exporting Award, presented annually to companies that have shown a strong commitment to increasing exports from the state of Ohio.
And in 2011, Crown actively began “Greening” its business and manufacturing operations. Among other things, every four to six weeks, the company recycles about 25,000 pounds of scrap material, vinyl trimmings, foam, and other items used to make mats.