Superstorm Sandy hit landfall in New York and New Jersey on October 29, 2012. The storm flooded streets, tunnels and subway lines, cut power throughout the two states, and devastated homes and buildings. Damage in the US is estimated at over $63 billion.

Immediately after the storm passed, recovery efforts began, repairing damaged facilities such as those at P.S. 288, a school on Coney Island. The school was flooded with water and excessive sand during the storm and an oil tank had ruptured. The entire facility had to undergo extensive cleaning, requiring new boilers, major disinfecting, some new furniture, new paint, and new flooring in places.

Although many offices still wait for furniture and the school still doesn't have phone or internet service, the facility has passed test of indoor air quality, fire safety and overall cleanliness. The school received the green light to finally welcome students and staff back into the classrooms.

According to Joelene-Lynette Kinard, the school's principal, "My custodial staff has been right on top of everything. The building is warm. It's clean, and we're ready for work. Everyone's comfortable, and we're ready."

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