After one month of the latest COVID-19 vaccine being made available to the American public, just seven percent of adults and two percent of children have received the shot. As reported by US News & World Report, these findings come from the latest reporting from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) and were shared at an Oct. 26 meeting.
Additional insights found that the demographics most likely to have received the latest dose were insured, earned a higher income than average, and older. As for future prospects, only 38 percent of adults and/or parents who were surveyed indicated an intention to get the latest vaccine for their children or themselves.
The CDC also noted availability issues for receiving a dosage in the opening month, as insurance conflicts delayed accessibility for some Americans. Most of those problems have since been resolved, however, and CDC Director Mandy Cohen notes that the overall supply should be adequate to anyone interested in receiving the shot.
During the last COVID-19 vaccine rollout that arrived in May 2023, roughly 17 percent of the population received that shot. Cohen has optimism that the current numbers will eventually rise over time. Partisan issues were also noted in likeliness to receive the latest vaccine —70 percent of democrats indicated the intention to eventually get the new shot, compared to 24 percent of Republicans.
The CDC notes that the lower case rates in the Summer should not dissuade the public from receiving the latest dosage, and that the latest rollout will provide better immunity against the latest strain expected to impact the U.S. during the winter months ahead. Currently, the CDC predicted a “Moderate” level of intensity for a COVID-19 wave.
Read more on the latest COVID-19 subvariants here, as well as best practices on deep cleaning to prevent its spread in facilities.