Dave Kahle will be hosting a two-day seminar for sales managers in the Chicago area on September 12 and 13.       

According to the announcement, the most under-trained person in the Distribution world is the sales manager.

"Our experience tells us that probably fewer than 10% of all sales managers have any education in the best practices of their position,” Kahle says. "That causes all kinds of problems. Many sales supervisors, since they are unsure of how to go about their jobs, default to laissez-faire management — they abdicate the important decisions to the salespeople. Or, the company becomes frustrated with the lack of consistency in the sales processes, the absence of accountability in the sales force, and the difficulty in implementing change within the sales force.” Kahle continues, "As a result, sales productivity suffers, as does the company's net profits and market share.”

The seminar is focuses on the Kahle Way Sales Management System, which explores the five key processes that enable first-line sales/branch managers to excel at jobs for which they were not trained, including:


  •  Hiring new salespeople;
  •  Coaching and counseling;
  •  Setting individual goals;
  •  Monthly conferences;
  •  Managing the training and development of your salespeople.
  • Over 2,033 sales managers have been trained in this system.

Dave Kahle is a consultant and trainer who helps distributors increase sales and develop their sales people. He's the author of over 1,000 articles, a weekly E-zine, and ten books, including his latest, How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime