Manufacturers of cleaning products and their chemical suppliers will soon face increased demands for ingredient transparency, according to Douglas Troutman, American Cleaning Institute's (ACI) general counsel and vice president of government affairs.
“Challenges remain for consumer products industries to innovate, quickly get sustainable products to market, and protect intellectual capital," Troutman wrote in his article, “Ingredient Communication And Transparency In Cleaning Products: A Widening Landscape.”
Several states have already enacted regulations on ingredient transparency. In 2017, California passed the first such legislation, the “Cleaning Product Right to Know Act.”
Under the new law, cleaning product manufacturers must disclose the ingredients in their formulations on both the label and the company’s website. As reported by Environmental Working Group, ingredient listings must be featured on the company websites by January 1, 2020. Updates to product labels are required by January 1, 2021.
“Consumers are demanding transparency and the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act will set a strong national standard,” California Sen. Ricardo Lara, the law’s author, said when the bill passed into law.
Soon after, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation also passed a law requiring disclosure of chemicals in cleaning products.
In response to the New York requirements, ACI pointed out that cleaning product manufacturers already provide detailed information online about the ingredients in the products on their websites. Additionally, the ACI said, safety data on hundreds of chemicals in the U.S. consumer cleaning product supply chain are available on the organization’s Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative website.