Tips and suggestions that will help facility managers, cleaning professionals and carpet cleaning technicians develop carpet cleaning maintenance programs designed for specific facilities are now available from U.S. Products. According to Doyle Bloss, a longtime veteran of the professional carpet cleaning industry, every carpeted facility has different carpet care and maintenance needs.
“Knowing these from the start can help [managers, cleaning, and carpet cleaning professionals] keep carpets well maintained, improving their lifespan significantly,” he says.
Some of the key components of planning a commercial carpet maintenance program include:
• Analyzing and documenting how the facility is used (i.e., is it a retail facility, office, school, etc.)
• Obtaining a layout of the facility’s floor plan; this can be used to designate areas of the building based on their importance (visitor or customer access, for instance) and the type of soiling exposure to which they may be subject
• Documenting the types of floor coverings installed in each area of the facility
• Checking the facility’s exterior to determine how well it is maintained and what outdoor factors may impact carpet maintenance
• Installing an effective matting system
• Determining the factors that will influence the type of carpet cleaning needed, as well as cleaning frequencies, for each area of the facility

“Very often, facility managers and cleaning professionals put together a hard surface maintenance program, but they often forget the carpets,” says Bloss. “This oversight can prove to be a costly mistake, since carpeting plays such a key role in a facility’s overall appearance and health.”