TriMega Purchasing Association and Independent Stationers (IS) are uniting under one roof for the EPIC 2017 Conference, an industry event for the office and IT supplies industry. Held at the Bellagio Resort & Casino from Sept. 10 to 12, the conference is also co-located with ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America for the first-time, providing IS and TriMega members the value-add of entry to two outstanding shows for one registration fee.
The conference kicks off with a slate of fun activities. Sunday arrivals can opt for a golf outing, hiking, rafting; outdoor excursions that showcase the scenic beauty one doesn’t commonly associate with Las Vegas. But there are also peer-to-peer networking opportunities and the TriMega Think Tank Breakout , followed by the NEXT Networking Mixer, held in conjunction with ISSA’s Young Executive Society (YES). The day wraps up with a poolside welcome reception. Other for-fun activities taking place in the following days include a club crawl and a prize giveaway.
However, the Epic Conference is largely focused on the serious business of providing attendees with strategies for business success. For example, the popular TriMega Purchasing Clinic is making a return and will be led by presenters with wide-ranging and deep purchasing experience in the industry. Attendees to the clinic will learn strategies around reducing the cost of goods, improving margins, improving cash flow, calculating inventory turns and more.
Educational forums — such as For Dealers, By Dealers — are another resource. Hours of education are offered; some of the topics that will be addressed include succession planning, recruiting the right sales team, gaining efficiencies by reducing complexities, attracting more federal government business, diversifying into other profitable categories (such as cleaning, refreshment/breakroom and safety products categories), developing effective marketing plans and strategies, hiring and retention, along with a slate of others.
In addition, both TriMega and Independent Stationers will have their own individual breakout sessions exclusive to their members.
Pamela Mills-Senn is a freelancer based in Long Beach, California.