Man’s hand places heart in the donation slot. The concept of the donor of blood or human organs, saving lives

A number of companies across the world have stepped to offer needed supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Ecolab is one of them. The company has donated more than $3 million in cleaning and sanitizing products throughout the world and more than $2 in financial support to those in need, according to a press release from the company.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our cleaning and sanitizing solutions have never been more essential,” says Kris Taylor, Ecolab vice president of Global Community Relations. “We are committed to utilizing our expertise, resources and solutions to help fight the spread of COVID-19 and support communities in need.”

Ecolab works with nonprofits World Emergency Relief and Global Citizen USA to distribute cleaning and sanitizing products to organizations in countries throughout the world, including Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ghana, Malawi, Mauritius, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States and Uruguay.

Ecolab also has provided financial support to several national organizations during the pandemic, including the United Way and the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund.

In St. Paul, Minnesota, home of Ecolab’s headquarters, the company has supported the American Red Cross St. Paul Area Chapter, ConnectedMN to enable distance learning, the Department of Emergency Management, the Greater Twin Cities United Way, Higher Ground Saint Paul Shelter, Minnesota Children’s Museum, multi-service agency Neighborhood House and hunger relief organization Second Harvest Heartland. Ecolab also has provided financial support to The Sanneh Foundation and Face to Face, which provide youth social services, as well as the Saint Paul Bridge Fund, which provides emergency relief to families and small businesses.