Each year an estimated 22 million school days are lost due to illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Because of this, this is the perfect time of the year for custodial workers to detail clean schools.

Recommended germ hotspots that should be focused on include:
• The toggle switches and controls on water fountains
• Doorknobs
• Shared electronic devices such as computer keyboards, mouses, electronic pointers/styluses
• Hand rails
• Gym equipment
• The frequently touched tops and sides of desks and chairs
• Soap dispenser levers

"However, germs are everywhere in schools," says Matt Morrison, communications managers for Kaivac. "And sometimes the biggest germ hotspot - and the one that poses one of the greatest potentials to spread disease and illness - is overlooked, and that's the floors."
This has been borne out in several studies including a recent study by microbiologists at the University of Wisconsin. Researchers tested hundreds of purses and handbags placed on floors in restrooms and counters and found levels of bacteria on each item- including pseudomona, staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and salmonella.
"These bacteria can cause skin, eye, and ear infections," says Morrison. "While they are rarely fatal, they can contribute to those 22 million school days lost due to illness each year."

Morrison suggests one of the most effective ways to keep floors clean, healthy, and contaminant free is to stop using mop and bucket cleaning systems - even dual or separate bucket systems - and select what ISSA calls spray-and-vac cleaning, dispense-and-vac, or No Touch Cleaning systems.

"Eliminating germ hotspots in schools starts with the floors and make sure the [cleaning] tools we use are working for us, helping to keep our kids healthy throughout the school year."