When it comes to carpet cleaning, time is money. Cost is based on the amount of area cleaned so the faster a job can be completed, the more profitable it is.  This is especially true in commercial carpet cleaning.

The following are tips from CFR (continuous recycling extractors) that should be taken into consideration before beginning a commercial carpet cleaning job to help the job move along quickly and efficiently:

• Work order: Prepare a work order listing all areas to be cleaned, when to start/end work, emergency contact information, as well as all of the items listed below

• Parking: If using a truckmount, locate a parking space where the vehicle can stay parked or, at the very least, moved less often

• Hook-ups and hoses: Locate water hook-ups inside and outside the facility as well as the safest areas to run hoses both into as well as in the building

• Fill and dump: Filling and dumping tanks are usually the biggest time wasters with conventional portable extractors; along with water outlets, know where soiled water can be dumped.  If using a recycling carpet extractor, this will be less of a concern

• Carpet mapping: Map out the entire carpeted area to be cleaned; note partitions, furniture that cannot be moved, as well as trouble spots where there are spots, stains, or excessive wear on the carpet; if possible, place a piece of tape on trouble spots for quick identification

• Corner guards: Installing corner guards around cubicles, wall corners, posts, etc., ensures the hose does not get snagged, which can slow down the cleaning

• Ever-working wand: In most commercial cleaning jobs, there will be two technicians using one portable machine; if one technician must take a break, make sure the second tech is ready to take over.  Always keep the wand working.

"Also, keep all your tools and equipment nearby and handy," adds Doug Berjer who has written extensively on carpet cleaning and is with CFR.  "Next to filling and dumping, needing to look for a tool at the last minute can really slow you down."