The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) is endorsing the development of exercise programs for custodians and people who clean for a living, citing both personal and professional benefits. According to HFI Advisory Board Member John J. Ratey, M.D., companies such as Northern Gas, General Electric and Coca Cola have all seen major health and business improvements after implementing exercise programs for employees.
For example:
• Northern Gas Company employees who participate in the corporate exercise program take 80 percent fewer sick days.
• General Electric's aircraft division conducted a study during which medical claims by employees who were members of its fitness center went down 27 percent, while nonmembers' claims rose by 17 percent.
• Coca-Cola healthcare claims averaged $500 less for its employees who joined the company's fitness program, compared with those who didn't.
HFI recommends the commercial cleaning industry consider these tangible benefits of exercise:
Personal Benefits
• More self-confidence
• Better attitude and goal achievement
• Higher energy levels
• Better physical condition
Professional Benefits
• Less absenteeism because of enhanced immunity and health
• Faster recovery time from accident or illness
• Lower insurance costs
• More productivity

Note: Please consult a physician before starting any exercise program.
If your facility has experienced documented benefits of an exercise program, please write to Allen Rathey: