According a National Business Group on Health survey, most workers employed at large businesses consider their health plan to be the most important part of their benefit packages. As reported in The Washington Times, workers would rather face a salary cut or a reduction in retirement benefits than lose any aspect of their health benefits.

According to the article, "health care costs are rising at 7.5 percent, double the inflation rate, which is forcing employers to find ways to trim employee medical costs. One way is by shifting health care responsibilities to the worker, such as through health savings accounts, a key part of the consumer-driven health care movement." That said, the survey reveals that employees are not interested in purchasing coverage on their own.

Reportedly, two out of three workers are happy with their health plans and employees accept the fact that businesses have to offer fewer health-plan choices in order to keep premiums low.

To read additional statistics from this survey, click here for the full article.