On June 28 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, CleanLink airs the free webcast, Encouraging Proper Hand Hygiene In Schools, presented by Nancy Bock, M.S., Vice President, Education and Meetings at the American Cleaning Institute.

This webcast will outline steps that the cleaning community can implement to get students in K-12 schools to properly wash their hands. From product to process, attendees will come away with a better understanding  of hand washing's three key components: the products, the equipment and the mechanical action of hand washing. In addition, the webcast will address how a successful hand washing awareness campaign can be implemented in a variety of school settings -- and who needs to be involved to ensure ongoing success.

Topics covered include:
• Identifying the soap, towels, hand dryers and hand sanitizer solutions to encourage proper hand hygiene in K-12 schools
• Review the best places to install dispensers and dryers
• Learn how to develop an effective hand washing campaign that encourages kids to wash their hands properly

CleanLink is offering the Encouraging Proper Hand Hygiene In Schools webcast as a free webcast and is authorized by IACET to award 0.1 CEUs for attendance. Click here to register now. An archive of this educational opportunity will be available at www.cleanlink.com/webcasts following the live event.