Today’s vacuum cleaning equipment is more sophisticated than ever before, offering housekeeping managers and BSCs a wide array of options and features to choose from. Beyond their primary function of removing dirt from a floor or carpet, vacuums play a vital role in boosting productivity, cutting costs, enhancing IAQ and improving user comfort, so it’s imperative that the vacuums in use are selected with specific priorities in mind.

CleanLink recently aired a free educational webcast — Carpet Care: Best Vacuum Practices for Optimal Results, presented by Allen Rathey, president of JanTrain — which outlined tips on how jan/san experts can ensure a vacuum is appropriately matched to the task at hand. From surface types to square footage to IAQ to cleaning times, the education provided tips to maximize the value of a vacuum — and vacuum strategy — for a facility and its occupants.

The presentation also touched on:
• The latest developments and features in vacuum cleaning technology
• Methods for matching vacuum options to specific cleaning tasks
• Various vacuum strategies to develop best practices within a cleaning organization and/or facility

Check out the on-demand archive of Carpet Care: Best Vacuum Practices for Optimal Results for free here.