The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expects the COVID-19 death toll in the Untied States to reach 123,000 by June 20 and the World Health Organization (WHO) projects more areas to become "hot spots," reports CNN.
The CDC came to these projections using data from more than a dozen individual forecasts made by various researchers and institutions. The projections range between 115,400 to 134,800 deaths by the end of June.
COVID-19 continues to be a worldwide issue, as WHO projects new hot spots for COVID-19 in Russia, Africa, both American continents, parts of South Asia and a few countries throughout Europe.
Experts continue to promote the use of face coverings and social distancing.
In related news, the CDC has changed its website to say COVID-19 is not easily transmitted through contact with a contaminated surface, reports Becker's Hospital Review. The CDC maintains that close contact between persons is still the number one way to spread the coronavirus.