With great sadness our friend and trusted business associate, T. Max Evans passed away on September 7, 2011 from complications related to dementia. With his passing we have lost not only a legendary sales person in the sanitary supply distribution world, but someone that was considered by all who knew him to be a friend in the grandest sense of the word.

Max was born May 25, 1927 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He began his career in the JanSan Industry with the Lovinger Company in 1951. He was introduced to Lee Lovinger Sr. by his aunt Jesse Evans, who was a friend and political associate. Lee hired Max and his legendary career began. At six feet 5 inches and with a magnificent voice, Max was known for his commanding presence.

In February of 1984, WAXIE Sanitary Supply purchased the Lovinger Company. Max continued with the same zeal and integrity that had made him one of the most successful and highly regarded JanSan sales associate in all of Utah. He retired from WAXIE on May 31, 1998 with his career spanning over 47 years.

Max was also well known for his 23 years as a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He sang in many quartets and choirs throughout his life. His pure and rich bass voice was a gift that he shared in great harmonies throughout his life and in many parts of the world.

Being a kind friend and providing great services while maintaining the highest standard of integrity were some of his greatest hallmarks. After retiring we were able to see him often and he always returned to participate in key company events. Always ready to speak, we continued to enjoy his great sense of humor and had been uplifted by his wisdom. As his health challenges had overtaken him during the last few years of his life, we missed him. While we are saddened by his passing, we feel blessed to have had the privilege of his association as he has truly enriched our lives.