There’s only two weeks left in the search for this year’s winners of the 2019 Sanitary Maintenance Distributor Choice Awards, presented by DDI System.
Jan/san distributors have had two chances so far to vote for the products they feel are the best in the industry and the best fit for customers. Current vote leaders are:
• H2Orange2 Hyper-Concentrate 112 by EnvirOx LLC
• Baggy Floor Collection System by Filmop
• FreeFlex Cordless Hybrid Upright Vacuum by ProTeam Inc.
• Spill Mop by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
• PURELL Surface Disinfecting and Sanitizing Sprays by GOJO Industries Inc.
• Clean by Peroxy Multi Surface Wipes by Spartan Chemical Co. Inc.
• Tork PeakServe Continuous Towel System by Essity Professional Hygiene North America LLC
• KIRA B 50 by Karcher North America
• MoonBeam 3 by Diversey
• Floor Maintenance Pads by ACS Cleaning Products Group
• Disposable Dust Mop and Pad by Nexstep Commercial Products (Exclusive Licensee of O-Cedar)
• T350 Stand-On Floor Scrubber by Tennant Company
A final reminder will be sent out later this week with distributors’ last chance to vote for their favorite products. Subscribers of Sanitary Maintenance newsletters who have not yet voted should check their email inboxes later this week for a ballot.
In the end, 40 products will be named Sanitary Maintenance 2019 Distributor Choice Award winners. They will be featured in the June 2019 issue of Sanitary Maintenance magazine.
Nearly 300 products were considered for this award. Entries either ran in a 2018 issue of Sanitary Maintenance magazine or on its website CleanLink.com. Each ballot contains a randomized selection of products.
For information on last year’s winners, click here.