Despite industry’s vociferous objections, ISSA reports that GSA issued as final its Request for Quotation (RFQ) that will implement Strategic Sourcing for Janitorial and Sanitation (JanSan) Supplies and Equipment. ISSA is considering protesting this matter but must have the participation of affected companies in order to proceed. If you are interested in participating, please contact Bill Balek, ISSA, 800.225.4772, at your earliest convenience. The protest must be filed before Nov. 12.

The RFQ and other related documents are available for downloading and viewing by going to Please note that companies may bid on the RFQ until it closes on Nov. 12.

The RFQ establishes multiple Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) in support of the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) for JanSan supplies and equipment for federal government agencies.

The final RFQ establishes 21 BPAs, with 17 set aside for small businesses. However, it is GSA’s goal to channel as much federal business as possible through these “strategically sourced solutions”. To that end, the Office of Management and Budget has already secured numerous letters of commitment from various federal agencies that have promised to channel their purchases of JanSan supplies and equipment through the soon to be established BPAs. If successful, OMB and GSA will disenfranchise the estimated current 1,000 plus GSA schedule holders in JanSan.

It is worth noting that GSA estimates that the “total spend” opportunity available through this solicitation is estimated to be more than $599 million annually.

Industry Challenge
ISSA is considering its options including filing an official protest with the General Accounting Office over the recently issued RFQ for JanSan based on GSA’s failure to conduct the appropriate economic analysis prior to issuing the RFQ as final. However, administrative procedures require “interested parties” to file the protest with GAO. Therefore, ISSA seeks industry volunteers (i.e., individual companies) to volunteer to be the named the “protestor” in our filings with GAO.

If your company is interested and is a current GSA JanSan schedule holder, please contact Bill Balek, ISSA, 800.225.4772, at your earliest convenience. The protest must be filed before Nov. 12.