Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade recently came to the rescue of 40 different fire departments in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana. District 1, for example, was the recipient of $5,000 to help fund a hydraulic combination rescue tool. The goal of the program is to help provide firefighters with the equipment necessary to keep "citizens in our communities safe."
According to Advocate.com reporting, the jan/san giant awarded $188,4000 in grants to fire departments in 2017 — earmarked for equipment that was critical to firefighters' safety.
Since launching the program in 2006, Georgia-Pacific has given more than $2.2 million in cash and educational materials to 287 fire departments that serve the company's facility communities across the country. Grants are based on need and are funded by the Georgia-Pacific Foundation and local Georgia-Pacific facilities. Funds are typically used to purchase new protective clothing and replace items such as damaged safety gear and aging equipment.
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