Dustbane recently closed out a very successful inaugural year of its "Give Meaning to Your Cleaning Initiative," which helped both the planet and people.
With the help of partners and customers, Dustbane was able to plant 119,000 trees and divert 3.5 million plastic jugs from landfills in 2020, according to the company's website. The initiative also lead to 1,050 meals being provided to the hungry and 43,000 liters of chemicals being donated.
"With this initiative, we are renewing our commitment to delivering high-quality products and customer service excellence, while making responsible, sustainable choices for our planet and giving back to the people in our communities," said the company on its website. "Give Meaning to Your Cleaning aligns with the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is increasingly being recognized as an integral component of any successful strategic management plan. At the core of CSR is a commitment to ensuring a balance between the 3 P’s: People, the Planet, and Profits."
Dustband believes that corporate social responsibility is attractive to customers, as well as both current and prospective employees. It also creates positive press for businesses, which can lead to improved profitability.
For more information on the Give Meaning to Your Cleaning initiative, click here.