Los Angeles County has enlisted Green Seal to assist the County in the development of a broad-based green procurement program - helping them incorporate green specifications to buy green products in priority categories with a five-year schedule of implementation. A wide range of product categories will be covered, from cleaning supplies and paper products to electronics and construction equipment.

LA County Green Procurement Project - The Process:
Green Seal will work with the County to prioritize environmental purchasing and develop a 5-year roll-out prioritizing items based on environmental benefit and practicality. They will evaluate current priority purchasing based on environmental impact and develop environmental criteria where needed, then review current purchasing policies, interview purchasing managers, and identify any existing obstacles to green purchasing.

"Green Seal has been working with governments at all levels - federal, state, county and municipal - since the mid-1990s," explains Dr. Arthur Weissman, President and CEO of Green Seal. "Civil servants seek a healthier environment for their citizens and employees, and they know the importance of improving environmental performance at every stage along the supply chain. Our clients have included: the National Park Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the State of California and New York, and the City of Philadelphia."

Other projects Green Seal has worked on in California include institutionalizing green procurement for the state's Procurement Division, evaluating the “Buy Recycled Campaign,” “Guidelines for the Procurement, Use and End-Of-Life Management of Electronic Equipment,” and the State Green Lodging Program.