Washington, D.C.-based non-profit Green Seal has been recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an accredited standard developer.
ANSI is coordinator of the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system.
Green Seal has been developing environmental standards since 1989.  These environmental standards include requirements to reduce, to the extent technologically and economically feasible, the environmental and health impacts associated with services and the manufacture, use, and end-of-life or life cycle of products.  Set on a category-by-category basis, Green Seal’s environmental standards focus on significant opportunities to reduce a product or service’s environmental impact.  
 “We are pleased to join the ranks of ANSI-accredited standard-making bodies,” said Green Seal President and CEO Arthur Weissman, PhD. “ANSI accreditation validates the consensus and procedural processes used by Green Seal for standard development, and, in turn, paves the way for individual Green Seal standards to become American National Standards.”
According to ANSI:  “Accreditation … signifies that the procedures used by the standards body in connection with the development of American National Standards meet the Institute’s essential requirements for openness, balance, consensus and due process.”   
More than 215 organizations across a broad spectrum of industries are now accredited by the Institute. ANSI member organizations include educational institutions, companies, professional associations, and government members.
In addition to the ANSI accreditation, Green Seal follows the Guiding Principles and Procedures for Type I Environmental Labeling adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14024) in developing environmental standards and certifying products.  
Green Seal has standards for cleaning products and services, building products, lodging properties, paper products, and many other categories. Green Seal is also actively developing new standards.
Green Seal has played an important role in helping to shape policy at the national and international levels and the market transformation towards the purchase and use of more sustainable products and services.