The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) and the National School Plant Management Association (NSPMA) have formed an educational partnership to foster greater professional and public awareness of the importance - and means - of maintaining a healthy school environment.
"Our goal is to advance the knowledge of school plant management, maintenance, operations, and cleaning personnel; providing indoor environment education on both organizations' websites and in local communities through shared press and the media," says Allen Rathey, President of The Healthy Facilities Institute. "Both HFI and NSPMA share a commitment to education supporting healthier schools, operations, and cleaning processes, furthering a mission to make K-12 educational facilities cleaner, better maintained and healthier."
"The National School Plant Management Association, NSPMA, was formed in the interest of enhancing and promoting the educational process, and to provide for the exchange of information that improves school plant management, maintenance and care through the promotion of acceptable policies, standards and practices," says Dennis J. Randolph, EFM, Executive Director of the National School Plant Management Association. "We believe this partnership with the Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) will help us to promote the professional advancement of school plant management personnel, and the health of the school environment."
Randolph, who has also joined the HFI Advisory Board, has spent the last 27 years in facility management and has involved himself in respected educational organizations over the past 25 years, serving as past president of the Washington Association of Maintenance and Operations Administrators and the National School Plant Management Association. In his current position with Roseburg Public Schools, he serves as the Physical Plant Manager. His personal and professional belief is that quality facilities promote quality learning for students and the learning community.