The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) and Green Ribbon Schools (GRS) have announced a partnership for the 2012-13 school year to help make schools healthier through education and participation in healthy practices among stakeholders including students, teachers, parents and school staff.
The partnership was developed as a result of mutual goals, including a desire to help schools get healthy. Both HFI and GRS will cross promote programs in an effort to create greater awareness and participation in these initiatives.  The programs that both will be calling specific attention to are Green Ribbon School's Healthivores initiative designed to help kids get smart about health, and the HFI-related program Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools (PCHS), an innovative method of cleaning schools for health under tight budget constraints.
"We are pleased to support the non-profit Green Ribbon Schools (GRS) group as it continues to affect the 560 schools nationally that are already part of its expanding community, and to expand their reach to yet more schools via our network," said Allen Rathey, president of The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI).
"Green Ribbon Schools  sees a partnership with such an innovative organization as The Healthy Facilities Institute as a great complement to our emphasis on healthier kids and schools" said Steve Amos, Executive Director of Green Ribbon Schools.