The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) LLC is working with NSF International’s Applied Research Center to select companies and/or products as recipients of HFI’s “Clean for Healthy Environments” Award. While neither organization endorses products, both groups are focused on protecting public health and promoting healthier indoor environments, which is this Award’s primary focus.

The Clean for Healthy Environments Award (CFHE) is an industry first, and winners will be announced quarterly, with the first one to be named in January 2014.

“We are delighted to have experts of the caliber of Dr. Robert Donofrio, director of NSF International’s Applied Research Center, sharing insight and wisdom from NSF’s vast experience in scientific research,  public health and the environment,” said Allen Rathey, president of HFI.

“While NSF International’s role is informal, and purely informational in nature, it is important that groups like HFI exist to help advance the public health and safety dialog,” said Donofrio. “Through NSF’s Applied Research Center we can provide scientific and technical expertise to advise HFI as they select and recognize products and companies to further protect public health and the environment.”

HFI’s baseline award criteria include:

·         Company must have peer-reviewed research supporting efficacy claims.

·         Company must demonstrate that protecting public health is a key part of its operations or mission statement.

·         Company must have at least two public health scientists supporting its claims and providing a reference or testimonial.

·         Company must be actively engaged in Measuring for Health™ using Integrated Cleaning and Measurement™ (ICM) principles and therefore must provide field test data showing effective removal of soils affecting health.

·         Companies must be IEHA (formerly known as the “International Executive Housekeepers Association”) and ISSA (formerly the “International Sanitary Supply Association”) Members in good standing.

If you would like to recommend a company for this recognition, please send the company name, a company contact, and the basis for the recommendation to Allen Rathey at by January 1st 2014. There is no entry fee.