Indianapolis-based HP Products Corporation is celebrating its 50th year as a family-owned distribution business.

According to a company announcement, D. Ames Shuel purchased the company in 1964 as HP Chemical, and established the company’s roots in the janitorial world with five employees, one delivery van, and a vision to provide his customers with the best products and services.

In 1979, the growing business moved to downtown Indianapolis and became known as HP Products Corporation. In 2000, Shuel’s daughter, Bridget Shuel-Walker, assumed the role and responsibilities as president, and the company was awarded its first Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) certification in 2007.

Today, HP Products Corporation operates from five main branches, three cross-docks, and over 750,000 square feet of combined warehouse space. The HP family has grown from five to 415 employees across seven states. The company prides itself in the company’s longevity, with an average tenure of 15 years in both sales and operations. Additionally, HP's newer employees continue to bring vibrant, new ideas and energy into the business, the company says.

Since the company’s inception, HP Products Corporation has experienced signifcantl growth. In 1964, HP Chemical recorded $100,000 in sales. Last year, HP Products Corporation experienced sales approaching $200 million. The company has completed 13 mergers and acquisitions since 1994. Welcoming these companies into the HP family has contributed not only to the diversification of product lines, including cleaning, packaging, safety, equipment, lighting, food service, and textile supplies, but also the addition of consultative, training and audit services.

"HP Products Corporation looks forward to furthering the company’s commitment to the customer well into the future, by providing the products, training, service and support their customers need in order to be successful," states the company.