Vi-Jon, a St. Louis-based manufacturer of the popular Germ-X brand hand sanitizer and other products, is investing more than $70 million to expand two of its facilities.
The changes will bring 400 new jobs to facilities in St. Louis and Smyrna, Tennessee, with the later benefiting from more than half of the investment, reports Nashville Business Journal.
Company Chairman and CEO Rich Koulouris is quoted by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as saying the steep changes in hygiene practices are expected to remain even after the COVID-19 pandemic concludes. He said the company has experienced “significant demand growth” for its health and hygiene products.
No matter what type of hand sanitizer a consumer purchases, he or she would be wise to make sure it’s known throughout their house that the product is indeed hand sanitizer. That’s because there’s continued reports throughout the United States of kids accidentally consuming hand sanitizer that they though was food or drink.