Influenza, commonly shortened to "flu," is an extremely contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses. Flu appears most frequently in winter and early spring. The flu virus attacks the body by spreading through the upper and/or lower respiratory tract.

As the flu season approaches, health care specialist offer tips on how to stay healthy. Mitch Rosenfield, corporate healthcare specialist from Brady Industries, suggests following these five tips:

1. Get a flu shot — It is the best way to protect yourself from the flu. But just as important, it keeps you from spreading the flu to others.
2. Keep your distance — Stay at least three feet away from others who may be sick and six feet away from those coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid touching objects that were handled by those who may be sick.
3. Practice hand hygiene — Before eating and after touching potentially contaminated surfaces, wash hands with a gentle soap to remove soils and germs. Also, use hand sanitizers when hands are not visibly soiled or when water is not readily available. Finally, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
4. Clean and disinfect your high touch surfaces — Focus on the items you touch often; phones, keyboards, doorknobs, etc. Keep disinfecting wipes close by for frequent and convenient use and remember that surfaces must be clean to be disinfected; you can’t disinfect dirt.
5. Keep your immune system strong — Drink plenty of healthy fluids and eat a nutritious diet and stay physically active and manage stress levels. Finally, get plenty of sleep.