Womens History Month. Women's day. Poster with different women. 8 march

March serves as Women's History Month, which offers the opportunity for annual observance of the impact women have had on history and the contributions they have made to society. 

To recognize the impact women have had on the cleaning industry, CleanLink spoke to leaders from across the industry. In this discussion, each of these women shared what led them to a career in cleaning and what inspires them to succeed. From overcoming hurdles to finding inspiration to cultivating leadership skills, these women share personal insights into authentic leadership, communications strategies, establishing a trusted network, mentoring the next generation and more.

These women have thrived in navigating a work/life balance, but not all executives are so lucky. A McKinsey/LeanIn research project revealed that one in three working women considered leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers because of the stress current events and the pandemic placed upon traditional parenting, caregiving and professional roles. Now, in a post-pandemic world, expectations of workers have changed. To explain how, Luciana Paulise, Latina, millennial and a leadership consultant, shares her story of personal growth and how she discovered the importance of working on herself before leading others.

CleanLink will continue to share women's stories. Join us at Clean Buildings Conference, March 12 in Baltimore, where CleanLink will host a Women In Cleaning panel discussion, which is open to all of those in attendance.