Data analysis

Contributed by AlturaSolutions Communications
Distributors will always be up against more prominent national distributors and mega-retailers with greater scale and resources. However, far from being pushed off the playing field, independent distributors can use their nimbleness to their advantage.
By harnessing credible, timely data, they can overcome these challenges from much larger competitors, protect their profit margins, and grow their businesses. Well-timed data helps avoid missing marketing opportunities, helping distributors from falling behind their competition. It also helps them stay more productive, tracking down the best contacts and most qualified leads in their marketplace.

The Power Behind Data

Business consulting company McKinsey & Company discovered a powerful correlation: companies with very high sales growth have access to more data-driven insights and analytics.
This data not only leads to more effective sales and marketing strategies but also opens up a world of growth and success for those who can harness it. By collecting and analyzing industry-related data, distributors can leverage tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) and data analytics software.
These tools can help them gather and interpret data on:
•Customer preferences, market directions, evolving opportunities, and competitor activities.
• Optimize their purchasing processes.
• Plan product replenishment and avoid stockouts or overstocking.
• Analyze the purchasing patterns of their customers.
• Personalize their marketing and sales messaging to customers.
• Allow distributors to make a paradigm shift from a reactive stance to a proactive one. They can anticipate market changes, adjust their strategies, and stay ahead of the curve.
• Allow distributors to notify their customers as soon as a product upgrade is available that should be considered. This step enhances customer satisfaction and increases sales opportunities.
Reflecting on the evolution of the distribution industry, Robert Kravitz, president of AlturaSolutions Communications, adds that “over the past quarter-century, the distribution industry has witnessed a paradigm shift. Data-driven insights are now crucial in navigating the complexities of the distribution industry.”
He adds that, “as technology advances, the ability to harness and analyze data effectively, will remain a key differentiator in the competitive distribution landscape.”